Resident Rotation Schedule

HCORP provides a varied experience depending on the year, across three major academic teaching hospitals and their community sister hospitals, in addition to a six-month continuous block in PGY3 year at Boston Children’s Hospital. The schedule per year are as follows


Breakdown: one-month rotations each, with five months of orthopedics, seven months of off-service rotations, across MGH, BWH and BIDMC. Each PGY1 spends four months at BIDMC, BWH & MGH (in one-month rotations).

Rotations include:

  • MGH: orthopedic trauma days, orthopedic floor coverage nights, general surgery trauma (Churchill service), and Emergency Department

  • BWH: orthopedic trauma days, orthopedic floor coverage nights, general surgery (at Faulkner Hospital) and vascular surgery

  • BIDMC: orthopedic trauma days, internal medicine, and general surgery

There also includes a one-month long block when all interns participate in a boot camp style training course to learn basic orthopedic skills. During this time they are still on the weekend call schedule but are excused from all clinical duties during the work week.


Breakdown: three-month rotations each, in Sports, Hand, Trauma & Joints and either MGH, BWH or BIDMC.

On call responsibilities:

  • At MGH: PGY2 residents take floor call as a 24 hour block on Saturday

  • At BWH: PGY2 residents take floor call as a 24 hour block on Saturday, and while another PGY2 takes ED call for 12 hour blocks on Saturday & Sunday

  • At BIDMC: PGY2 residents take Q6 night call on weekdays, and take call in 24 hour blocks on Saturday or Sunday covering both the ED and the floor


Breakdown: six-month continuous block at Boston Children’s Hospital, and two-month rotations at BWH or MGH for ED coverage night float, Oncology/Spine,  and Foot & Ankle.


Breakdown: Rotations are tailored to each resident depending on interests of the resident. Rotations are one or two months in length. All PGY4 residents have at least two months of trauma at either BIDMC, MGH or BWH. Other possible rotations include Hand at BWH or MGH, Spine at BIDMC, Pediatrics at MGH, Foot & Ankle at BIDMC, and up to two months of research time. Depending on the resident’s personal interest, residents have some flexibility to pick their schedule options.

On call responsibilities:

  • Weekend coverage for MGH ED consults

  • Backup call for in-house staff on weekends & weekdays

  • Moonlighting opportunities


Breakdown: Residents have some flexibility to choose their schedule options depending on their interests. Rotations are two months long and include MGH or BIDMC trauma, MGH Oncology, MGH shoulder, MGH sports, BWH joints, BIDMC sports and up to two months of elective time.

On call responsibilities:

  • Backup call for in house staff on weekends and weekdays

  • Moonlighting opportunities